construir um motor magnetico.

Energia Magnética / Perpétua
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Membro Platinium
Membro Platinium
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Registado: domingo set 30, 2007 11:33 pm
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Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por Bluesky »

ok tiktak, então aqui fica o esclarecimento: o que tens no video, e está muito bem feito diga-se a bem da verdade, é o andar 3 (gerador). no entanto o teu gerador é convencional, logo passivo - ele não excita o vácuo, logo não tens ganho relativamente a energia vinda do exterior do sistema. mas não desesperes, está muito proximo mesmo.

o andar 1 (temporizador) é absolutamente clássico, trata-se de um sistema que temporiza os pulsos - vários esquemas possiveis, sensores ópticos/máscaras e leds, relays magneticos, comutadores de escova, laminas de barbear/pequenos imans em disco rotativo solidário ao eixo comum, reed switchs, sistemas por chip integrado ,etc,etc .... nada de novo. é um sistema de disparo (trigger) (tipo liga /desliga) as baterias a bobinas de pulso no momento certo. estes circuitos devem ser construídos com recuperação de energia quando do colapso dos campos magneticos, como os circuitos de bedini e outros.

já o andar 2 (prime mover, motor gerador de torque, motor de pulsos) e o andar 3 (gerador) podem ser clássicos (passivos) ou não clássicos (activos).

a) podes ter um prime mover (2) clássico passivo (qualquer motor eléctrico tradicional) com um gerador (3) não clássico activo,

b) um prime mover (2) não clássico activo com um gerador (3) clássico passivo (o caso do teu gerador eolico de disco).

c) todavia o melhor resultado para produção electrica, como será evidente, obtens quando ligas ao eixo comum um prime mover (2) e um gerador (3) não clássicos activos, para tal tens de mudar a arquitectura de ambos (o desenho) como tem sido proposto neste tópico.

o numero de prime movers tipo (2) e geradores tipo (3) depende do torque que é necessário ao veiculo ou engenho juntamente com a potencia eléctrica que se pretende gerar para outros consumos. estes andares ficam todos solidários ao mesmo eixo, logo só será necessário um andar (1) - timer/temporizador - para todo o sistema. o sistema é auto-suficiente.
_______ .oO Impossivel é um conceito /& / não uma realidade Oo. _______

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Membro Platinium
Membro Platinium
Mensagens: 4184
Registado: domingo set 30, 2007 11:33 pm
Localização: Socio Nº 54

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por Bluesky »

_______ .oO Impossivel é um conceito /& / não uma realidade Oo. _______

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Membro Dedicado
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Registado: domingo nov 21, 2010 3:05 am

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por fusky »

afinal o motocontinuo foi descoberto ou não


que vos parece??
Imaginar é mais importante do que o saber A. Einstein

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Membro Platinium
Membro Platinium
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Registado: domingo set 30, 2007 11:33 pm
Localização: Socio Nº 54

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por Bluesky »

cuidado com esse site mencionado no video acima. caro fusky, já te disse que não existem moto-contínuos, porque insistes? isto tudo porque o paradigma actual da ciencia associa a energia com a matéria (e vice-versa), quando esta é uma associação secundária, deveria antes associar a energia com o espaço (e vice-versa)[*].

mais simples, tenho um pequeno veiculo electrico solar fotovoltaico suspenso num copo na cozinha, quando lhe dá o sol o gajo poe-se a andar. não lhe ligo pilha nenhuma, mas o gajo anda. é um moto-continuo? não. podes dizer que quando vem a noite ou as nuvens o gajo pára logo não funciona continuamente. certo, mas pegas no gajo e coloca-lo em orbita geo-estacionaria tornando-o num pequeno satelite (ou destroço) artificial do nosso planeta e vais ver que o gajo nunca pára, pois não mais conhecerá sombras ou noite, novamente, temos um moto-contínuo? não. porque sabes que o sol dá-lhe a energia, mas tu não tiveste que meter lá nenhuma, por isso tens um aparelho com cop infinito. portanto a unica coisa que terias era um aparente moto-continuo, um virtual moto-continuo, um pseudo moto-continuo, mas um moto-continuo? não.

agora imagina um motor magnetico, tal como o pequeno motor electrico do meu carrinho solar, agora a antena de captação são os imanes permanentes (em vez das celulas fotovoltaicas) e a fonte é desconhecida (em vez do sol). essa fonte é a energia do espaço, a energia quantica atomica, a energia radiante, a energia do eter. terá tantas mais designações quantos mais inventores a redescobrirem, porque a ciencia academica recusa-se a aceitar as evidencias cientificas dos fenómenos. assim o "vento magnetico" soprará dia e noite regularmente tornando os motores magneticos nos mais espetaculares pseudo-moto-continuos que conheces, enquanto os seus imanes continuarem a repelir-se e a atrair-se.

bluesky Escreveu:não existem moto-continuos, por todos os santos, mas sim uma forma de energia actualmente desconhecida, a energia do espaço. no paradigma actual pensa-se que a energia vem da matéria e da interacção matéria-matéria (gravidade), afirmando gloriosamente esta como a energia primária.

mas isto é falso. a energia vem do espaço, mais propriamente das interacções entre o espaço e o tempo (espaço-tempo). portanto einstein foi usado e glorificado intencionalmente ou por falta de conhecimento quando construiu a formula que relaciona energia e matéria. tal relação não é incorrecta mas trata-se de um corolário secundário e não do teorema principal. a verdadeira relação é entre energia e o espaço-tempo, já que a energia é basicamente uma relação entre estas entidades.

noutras palavras, a energia da matéria é uma energia secundária pouco densa comparada com a densidade energética do espaço-tempo, do vazio durante as oscilações do tempo, o prime mover universal. a própria matéria só existe porque alimenta-se desta energia primordial, portanto tudo é energia primordial, chamada antigamente por "éter".

estes são os campos de energia do zero absoluto. ou seja, só existe matéria e radiação porque o éter vibra em consonância, aglutinando-se. se tiveres espaço à tua volta podes converte-lo em matéria, ou transformar a matéria no vazio espacial desde que tenhas suficiente poder de transferência (energia). ficou claro agora? estudem a teoria das membranas (m).
_______ .oO Impossivel é um conceito /& / não uma realidade Oo. _______

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Membro Platinium
Membro Platinium
Mensagens: 4184
Registado: domingo set 30, 2007 11:33 pm
Localização: Socio Nº 54

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por Bluesky »

os já interessantes motores brushless de imans permanentes actuais

_______ .oO Impossivel é um conceito /& / não uma realidade Oo. _______

Membro Dedicado
Membro Dedicado
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Registado: segunda dez 13, 2010 10:52 pm

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por ecogerador »

caros colegas!!
é perfeitamente possível este tipo de motor.
participei de um projeto deste tipo e agora tento repetir a façanha.
aceito projetos que completem-o.
viva a natureza.

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Membro Platinium
Membro Platinium
Mensagens: 4184
Registado: domingo set 30, 2007 11:33 pm
Localização: Socio Nº 54

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por Bluesky »

nao queres partilhar connosco o teu projecto, ecogerador?

por todo o mundo surgem coisas tão fantásticas como o sibniie




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Membro Platinium
Membro Platinium
Mensagens: 4184
Registado: domingo set 30, 2007 11:33 pm
Localização: Socio Nº 54

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por Bluesky »

makrama magnetic motor (motor magnetico por escudeamento)

feliz natal!

_______ .oO Impossivel é um conceito /& / não uma realidade Oo. _______

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Membro Dedicado
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Registado: sexta fev 20, 2009 7:15 pm

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por gryphus »

boas bluesky, tenho as minhas dúvidas se este motor funcionaria, pois o escudo magnético não deve ser assim tão fácil de fazer, o rotor devia de aparecer na parte sem escudo um bocado adiantado em relação ao íman que lhe vai dar propulsão, e a força deste não sei se seria suficiente para o rotor chegar ao próximo íman... acho que deve ser bem mais fácil fazer um "pulsed"...
"A certeza absoluta é um privilégio de mentes não educadas e dos fanáticos".

Membro Gold
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Registado: sábado ago 23, 2008 12:31 pm

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por tavares »

quase que aposto que este motor funciona , porque depois de lançado basta um pequeno impulso dos imans para ele manter em movimento , o que não acredito é que seja um motor que desenvolva muito binário .

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Membro Dedicado
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Registado: sexta fev 20, 2009 7:15 pm

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por gryphus »

mesmo que não desenvolvesse muito binário já dava para "fazer a vez" de uma pilha num circuito de alimentação de um sistema por pulsos, e isso era excelente!!!
"A certeza absoluta é um privilégio de mentes não educadas e dos fanáticos".

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Membro Platinium
Membro Platinium
Mensagens: 4184
Registado: domingo set 30, 2007 11:33 pm
Localização: Socio Nº 54

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por Bluesky »

ok, meus amigos, ambos têem razão. efectivamente o motor que vemos no video não está patenteado, logo é muito provavel que não funcione. mas o video dá uma ideia muito boa como poderá funcionar um motor por escudeamento/sombreamento dos campos magneticos, é muito didático. fiquei tambem bastante intrigado quando afirma que podemos utilizar o chumbo como sombreador de campos magneticos, será isto possivel? não tenho essa ideia. alguem pode ajudar? (ver observação ii em baixo)

fiquei muito feliz por ambos terem feito tão pertinentes comentários, por isso vou seleccionar alguns motores patenteados dentro deste tipo de motores magneticos, especialmente um motor de um inventor espanhol, para voces poderem compreender o que falta no motor acima descrito. existem motores chineses nesta classe, tenho as patentes em chines, claro que não entendo nada excepto os desenhos, mas que desenhos descritivos esses! de cair os queixos...

vou adiantar um pouco sobre esta tecnologia:

observação i - irão reparar que o sucesso estará na combinação geometrica espacial dos imans (ou a propria geometria dos imans) com metais que isolam/atenuam os campos magneticos dos imans permanentes tanto do rotor como do estator.

observação ii - o efeito de escudo do metal usado para escudo irá ter um comportamento diferente consoante a velocidade relativa apresentada entre os imans do rotor e os imans do estator. isto significa que o efeito do metal quando os imans estão quase parados entre si poderá ser substancialmente diferente do que quando eles se movem a boa velocidade.

observação iii - existirá uma versão possivel onde os imans do rotor estarão encastrados no metal de escudo do rotor e os imans do estator encastrados noutro bloco de metal de escudo no estator, sendo a causa do movimento rotativo e torque a simples aproximação desses dois blocos.

existe neste motores uma falsa ideia de simplicidade, pois o ajuste dos imans é preciso e a geometria uma determinada (quando fizerem algum prototipo permitam o ajuste posicional e a troca dos imans, usando algum tipo de fixador, não colem os imans nas posiçoes finais quando não sabem quais são). a boa noticia é que se estes motores forem bem executados dificilmente terão problemas de torque.

voltarei em breve... obrigado pelo vosso tempo e paciencia
_______ .oO Impossivel é um conceito /& / não uma realidade Oo. _______

Membro Dedicado
Membro Dedicado
Mensagens: 25
Registado: segunda dez 13, 2010 10:52 pm

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por ecogerador »

[b]e ae céu azul,
meu email é [email protected] me envie o seu para trocarmos outras informações.

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Membro Platinium
Membro Platinium
Mensagens: 4184
Registado: domingo set 30, 2007 11:33 pm
Localização: Socio Nº 54

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por Bluesky »

eis algo que devem ter todo interesse em rever. gerar electricidade só com bobinas emissoras e receptoras ou induzidas. é necessário rever as leis do electromagnetismo urgentemente. neste processo compreenderão o ridiculo com que o magnetismo é hoje em dia entendido.

patente us # 2007/0007844, william n. barbat, 11 de janeiro de 2007

self-sustaining electric-power generator utilizing electrons of low inertial mass to magnify inductive energy

general technical considerations

[0038] an understanding of how infinite energy mistakenly came to be rejected by the scientific community clarifies the basis of this invention. the electrodynamic function described in the embodiments described later below conforms to helmholtz's alternate energy rule, which states that a force that is not in-line with its causative force "may be either lost or gained ad infinitum." this rule was included in "uber die erhaltung der kraft" ("on the conservation of force") that hermann helmholtz delivered to the physical society of berlin in 1847. but, helmholtz mistakenly believed that "all actions in nature are reducible to forces of attraction and repulsion, the intensity of forces depending solely upon the distances between points involved . . . [so i]t is impossible to obtain an unlimited amount of force capable of doing work as the result of any combination whatsoever of natural objects."

[0039] helmholtz refused to accept the idea that magnetic energy qualifies for ad infinitum status despite the fact that ampere's (1820) magnetic force on parallel straight conductors is obviously transverse to the direction of the electric currents rather than being in-line with the currents. he omitted mention that the magnetic force in ampere's (1825) important invention, the solenoidal electromagnet, is caused by currents in the loops of his coils, which are transverse to the direction of magnetic force. also, he failed to mention that ampere considered the magnetic force of a permanent magnet to be caused by minute transverse circular currents, which are now recognized as electrons that spin and orbit transversely.

[0040] helmholtz, who was educated as a military medical doctor without any formal study of physics, relied instead on an obsolete metaphysical explanation of magnetic force: "magnetic attraction may be deduced completely from the assumption of two fluids which attract or repel in the inverse ratio of the square of their distance . . . . it is known that the external effects of a magnet can always be represented by a certain distribution of the magnetic fluids on its surface." without departing from this belief in magnetic fluids, helmholtz cited wilhelm weber's (1846) similarly wrong interpretation that magnetic and inductive forces are directed in the same line as that between the moving electric charges that cause the forces.

[0041] weber had thought that he could unify coulombic, magnetic, and inductive forces in a single, simple equation, but weber's flawed magnetic-force term leads to the absurd conclusion that a steady current in a straight wire induces a steady electric current in a parallel wire. also, a changing current does not induce an electromotive force in-line with the current, as weber's equation showed. the induced force is offset instead, which becomes more apparent the further that two nested, coaxial coils are separated. what appears to be a directly opposing backforce is actually a reciprocal inductive force.

[0042] helmholtz's assertion that the total sum of the energy in the universe is a fixed amount that is immutable in quantity from eternity to eternity appealed to his young friends. but, the elder scientists of the physical society of berlin declared his paper to be "fantastical speculation" and a "hazardous leap into very speculative metaphysics," so it was rejected for publication in annalen der physik. rather than accept this rejection constructively, helmholtz found a printer willing to help him self-publish his work. helmholtz headed the publication with a statement that his paper had been read before the society, but he disingenuously withheld mention of its outright rejection. unwary readers have since received the wrong impression that his universal energy-conservation rule had received the society's endorsement rather than its censure.

[0043] helmholtz (1862, 1863) publicized his concept thusly: "[w]e have been led up to a universal natural law, which . . . expresses a perfectly general and particularly characteristic property of all natural forces, and which . . . is to be placed by the side of the laws of the unalterability of mass and the unalterability of the chemical elements." helmholtz (1881) declared that any force that did not conserve energy would be "in contradiction to newton's axiom, which established the equality of action and reaction for all natural forces" [sic]. with this deceitful misrepresentation of newton's strictly mechanical principle, helmholtz had craftily succeeded in commuting the profound respect for newton's laws to his unscientific doctrine. subsequently, the grand cross was conferred on helmholtz by the kings of sweden and italy and the president of the french republic, and he was welcomed by the german emperor into nobility with the title of "von" added to his name. these prestigious awards made his doctrine virtually unassailable in the scientific community.

[0044] ampere's principle of transverse magnetic attraction and repulsion between electric currents had been made into an equation for the magnetic force between moving electric charges by carl frederick gauss (written in 1835, published posthumously in 1865). the critical part of gauss's equation shows, and modem physics texts agree, that magnetic force is transverse to the force that imparts a relative velocity (i.e., perpendicular to a connecting line) between charges. lacking a direct backforce, a transverse magnetic force can produce a greater force than the force that causes it.

[0045] the only physicist to recognize in print the profound significance of gauss's work was james clerk maxwell (1873), who stated, "[if gauss's formula is correct,] energy might be generated indefinitely in a finite system by physical means." prepossessed with helmholtz's "law," maxwell chose not to believe gauss's transverse magnetic-force equation and accepted wilhelm weber's (1846) erroneous in-line formula instead. maxwell even admitted knowing of gauss's (1845) rebuke of weber for his mistaken direction of magnetic force as "a complete overthrow of ampere's fundamental formula and the adoption of essentially a different one."

[0046] in 1893 the critical part of ampere's formula for magnetic force, which weber and maxwell rejected, and which helmholtz had replaced with his contrary metaphysical explanation, was proposed for the basis for the international measure of electric current, the ampere (or amp), to be defined in terms of the transverse magnetic force that the current produces. but helmholtz's doctrine had become so impervious to facts that anyone who challenged this "law" faced defamation and ridicule.

[0047] the first recognition of unlimited energy came from sir joseph larmor who reported in 1897, "[a] single ion e, describing an elliptic orbit under an attraction to a fixed center . . . must rapidly lose its energy by radiation . . . [but] in the cases of steady motion it is just this amount that is needed to maintain the permanency of motion in the aether." apparently to mollify critics of his heretical concept, larmor offered a half-hearted recantation in 1900: "[t]he energy of orbital groups . . . would be through time sensibly dissipated by radiation, so that such groups could not be permanent."

[0048] in 1911 rutherford found that an atom resembles a small solar system with negative ions moving like planets around a small, positively charged nucleus. these endlessly orbiting electrons were a source of the perpetual radiation that had been aptly described by larmor, and these orbiting electrons were also planck's (1911) "harmonic oscillators" that he used to explain zero-point energy (zpe). zpe was shown by the fact that helium remains liquid under atmospheric pressure at absolute zero, so that helium must be pressurized to become solid at that temperature. planck believed that harmonic oscillators derived "dark energy" from the aether to sustain their oscillations, thereby admitting that an infinite source of energy exists. however, he assigned an occult origin to this infinite energy rather than a conventional source that had not met with helmholtz's approval.

[0049] niels bohr (1924) was bothered by the notion that radiation from an orbiting electron would quickly drain its energy so that the electron should spiral into the nucleus. whittaker (1951) states, "[bohr and associates] abandoned the principle . . . that an atom which is emitting or absorbing radiation must be losing or gaining energy. in its place they introduced the notion of virtual radiation, which was propagated in . . . waves but which does not transmit energy or momentum." subsequently the entire scientific community dismissed larmor radiation as a source of real energy because it failed to conform to helmholtz's universally accepted doctrine.

[0050] helmholtz's constraining idea that the vast amount of light and heat radiating from the many billions of stars in the universe can only come from previously stored energy has led scientists to concur that fusion of pre-existing hydrogen to helium supplies nearly all the energy that causes light and heat to radiate from the sun and other stars. if so, then the entire universe will become completely dark after the present hydrogen supply in stars is consumed in about 20 billion years. william a. fowler (1965) believed that essentially all the hydrogen in the universe "emerged from the first few minutes of the early high temperature, high density stage of the expanding universe, the so-called `big bang`. . . ." moreover, the background energy of the universe was thought by some to be "relic" radiation from the "big bang."

[0051] to accept the big bang idea that all the stars in the universe originated at the same time, it was necessary to disregard the fact that most stars are much younger or older than the supposed age of the one-time event, which indicates that their energy must have come from a recurring source. the big bang is entirely dependent on the idea that the whole universe is expanding, which stemmed from the interpretation that hubble's red-shift with distance from the light source represents a doppler shift of receding stars and galaxies. this expanding-universe interpretation was shattered by william g. tifft (1976, 1977), who found that observed red-shifts are not spread randomly and smoothly over a range of values, as would be expected from the doppler shifts of a vast number of receding stars and galaxies. instead, the observed red-shifts all fall on evenly spaced, quantized values.

[0052] moreover, shpenkov and kreidik (2002) determined that the radiation temperature corresponding to the fundamental period of the orbital electron motion in the hydrogen atom of k. matches the measured temperature of cosmic background radiation of k. this represents perpetual zero-level larmor radiation from interstellar hydrogen atoms dispersed in the universe. so, helmholtz's idea that "the energy in the universe is a fixed amount immutable in quantity from eternity to eternity" does not stand up to known facts.

[0053] the large aggregate quantity of heat-photons that are generated continually by larmor radiation can account for the illumination of stars and for the enormous heat and pressure in active galactic centers. based on the fact that photons exhibit momentum, photons must possess mass because, as newton explained, momentum is mass times velocity, which in this case is "c". consequently the creation of photons by induction or by larmor radiation also creates new mass. the conditions that fowler was seeking for hydrogen nucleosynthesis are apparently being supplied indefinitely in active galaxies and possibly in the sun and other stars above a certain size. this invention utilizes a similar unlimited energy source.

[0054] another principle that is important to this specification is that the transfer of energy by electrical induction was found by the applicant to work in the same manner as the transfer of energy by the broadcast and reception of oscillating radio signals. a transverse force is communicated in both cases, the force declines similarly with distance, and the effects of shielding and reflection are identical. since radio signals are communicated by photons, applicant considers that inductive force is also communicated by photons. the radiation of newly formed inductive photons results when an accelerated charge experiences a change in direction of acceleration. inductive radiation occurs when the acceleration of electric charges is reversed, as in rontgen's bremsstrahlung, in hertz's linear oscillator (plus all other radio-broadcasting antennas), and in all coils that carry an alternating current.

[0055] in a similar case, when electric charges move in a curving motion due to a continually changing centripetal acceleration, inductive photons are steadily radiated. this includes the radiation from electrons orbiting atomic nuclei (larmor radiation) and from conduction electrons flowing in a wire coil, whether the current is steady or not. circularly produced inductive photons induce a circular motion (diamagnetism) in mobile electrons located near the axis of the electron's circular movement.

[0056] in both the reverse-acceleration and centripetal-acceleration cases, inductive photons convey a force to mobile electrons that is transverse to the photon's propagation path. as lapp and andrews (1954) reported, "low-energy photons produce photoelectrons at right angles to their path . . . ." this same right-angle force without a direct backforce applies to all conduction electrons that are accelerated by low-energy photons as well. hence, inductive energy qualifies for exemption from the energy-conservation law by helmholtz's same ad infinitum principle that exempts magnetic energy.

[0057] the transverse force that inductively produced photons deliver to mobile electrons is opposite in direction to the simultaneous movement of the primary charge that produces the radiation. this is shown by faraday's induced current opposite to the inducing current and by the diamagnetically induced circular motion that is opposite in a rotational sense to the circular electron motion in the coil producing it. an oscillating flow of electrons within a loop of a wire coil induces a force in the opposite direction on the conduction electrons in adjacent loops of the same wire, resulting in self-induction.

[0058] important to this specification is the realization that the energy transmitted by photons is kinetic rather than electromagnetic. inductively radiated photons of low energy, and light rays, and x-rays cannot be deflected by an electric or magnetic field due to the photons' neutral charge. neither do neutral photons carry with them an electric or magnetic field. photon radiation is produced by a change in the acceleration of an electric charge, so it has an electrokinetic origin that involves a magnetic force only in special cases. to honor these facts, applicant uses the term "electrokinetic" spectrum in place of "electromagnetic" spectrum.

[0059] another principle that is important to this specification is the realization that, although the charge on the electron has a constant value under all conditions, the mass of an electron is not a fixed, unchanging amount. all free electrons, as in cathode rays, have exactly the same amount of mass at subrelativistic velocities, which is called "normal" mass and is denoted by m.sub.e. free electrons have a unique charge-to-mass ratio that makes the magnetic force resulting from a sub-relativistic velocity imparted to such an electron exactly equal to the force that imparts the velocity, so magnetic energy output is always equal to the energy input with "normal" electrons.

[0060] also, when a normal electron is given a subrelativistic acceleration, the inductive force it produces is equal to the force it receives. the mass of highly conductive electrons of metals is apparently very close to normal, but any very slight inductive-energy gains would be masked by inefficiencies. the ubiquity of free electrons and the conduction electrons of metals has led to the view that electron mass is a never-varying figure that would allow the energy-conservation law to apply to magnetic energy and inductive energy.

[0061] accurate determinations of electron mass in solid materials have been made possible by cyclotron resonance, which is also called diamagnetic resonance. the diamagnetic force produced by the flow of electrons steadily in a wire coil induces the mobile electrons of a semiconductor to move in a circular orbit of indefinite radius but at a definite angular frequency. this frequency is related only to the inductive force and the electron's mass. at the same time, a repulsive magnetic force is developed by the relative velocity between the electron flow in the coil and the conduction electrons, causing the mobile electrons of the semiconductor to move in a helical path away from the coil rather than in planar circles. only two measurements are needed to determine the mass of such an electron, the cyclotron frequency that resonates with the frequency of the electron's circular motion and the strength of the inductive force, which is determined by the current and dimensions of the coil. since the co-produced magnetic field is related to the same parameters, its measurement serves as a surrogate for inductive force.

[0062] because the measured mass of conduction electrons in semiconductors is less than normal, a complicated explanation has been adopted to defend the constancy of electron mass in order to support helmholtz's energy doctrine. an extra force is supposedly received from the vibrational lattice-wave energy of the crystal (in what would have to be an act of self-refrigeration) to make normal-mass electrons move faster than expected around a circular path, thereby giving the appearance that the electron has less mass than normal. in this explanation the electron is considered to be a smeared-out wave rather than a particle, which is contradicted by the billiard-ball-like recoil of an electron when it is bumped by a quantum of radiation, as described by arthur compton and samuel allison (1935).

[0063] the fallacy that borrowed energy can provide a boost in velocity to an electron is more apparent in the case of linear motion. the effective-mass theory considers that the greater linear velocity is caused by a boost given to normal-mass electrons by a "longitudinal wave" in the same direction as the electron motion that is imparted by an externally applied force. since this longitudinal wave also is considered to have a source in crystal-lattice vibrations, the effective-mass theory relies upon a reversal of entropy in violation of the second law of thermodynamics.

[0064] no reasonable contribution of direction directional energy can be invoked from any source to impart abnormally great velocity to the conduction electrons in semiconductors. so, the operation of apparatus embodiments described herein relies upon electrons having particle properties and upon electrons having less-than-normal inertial mass without invoking any special forces. this is supported by brennan's (1999) statement that "the complicated problem of an electron moving within a crystal under the interaction of a periodic but complicated potential can be reduced to that of a simple free particle but with a modified mass." the term "effective mass" (denoted by m*) was bestowed on sub-normal electron mass to indicate that it is not considered to be true mass. the term "effective" is herein considered redundant in referring to truly inertial mass, but "effective mass" still has relevance in referring to the net movement of orbital vacancies or "holes" in the opposite direction of low-mass electrons.

[0065] by f=ma, a low-mass electron receives greater acceleration and greater velocity from a given force than an electron of normal mass. the velocity and kinetic energy imparted by a force to an electrically charged body are determined by the inertial mass of the body without regard to the charge. in contrast, the magnetic force and magnetic energy produced transversely from the velocity are determined by the electric charge without regard to the body's mass. a smaller amount of mass allows a body to attain greater velocity with a given force. hence, the magnetic force produced by the charge at this higher velocity will be greater than it would normally be for that same amount of force. this allows low-mass electrons to produce a magnetic force that is greater than the applied force.

[0066] also, the amount of inductive radiation energy from accelerated electrons is related to an electron's charge without regard to its mass. the energy of inductive radiation increases with the square of the electron's acceleration according to larmor's (1900) equation, while the acceleration is inversely proportional to the lesser electron mass relative to normal electron mass. therefore, the greater-than-normal acceleration of low-mass electrons allows the re-radiation of magnified inductive-photon energy at a magnification factor that is proportional to the inverse square of the electron's mass. e.g., the inductive-energy magnification factor of cadmium selenide photoelectrons with 0.13 times normal electron mass is (0.13).sup.2=59.times..

[0067] electrons appear to acquire or shed mass from photons in order to fit the constraints of particular orbits around nuclei, because each orbit dictates a very specific electron mass. in metals where the conduction electrons seem to move as a gas, one might think that they would assume the normal mass of free electrons. but, the largest mean free path of electrons in the most conductive metals is reportedly about 100 atomic spacings between collisions (pops, 1997), so the conduction electrons apparently fall back into orbit from time to time and thereby regain their metal-specific mass values.

[0068] as conduction electrons pass from one metal type to another, they either lose or gain heat-photons to adjust their mass to different orbital constraints. in a circuit comprising two different metallic conductors placed in series contact with each other, the flow of conduction electrons in one direction will cause the emission of heat-photons at the junction, while an electron flow in the reverse direction causes cooling as the result of ambient heat-photons being absorbed by the conduction electrons at the junction (peltier cooling effect). when a metal is joined with a semiconductor whose conductive electrons have much lower mass than in metals, much greater heating or cooling occurs at their junction.

[0069] john bardeen (1941) reported that the (effective) mass of superconducting electrons in low-temperature superconductors is only 10.sup.-4 as great as the mass of normal electrons. this is demonstrated when superconducting electrons are accelerated to a much faster circular velocity than normal in diamagnetically induced eddy currents, which results in enormous magnetic forces that are capable of levitating heavy magnetic objects. electrons with 10.sup.-4 times normal mass are apparently devoid of (or nearly devoid of) included photon mass, so normal electrons are deduced to possess about 10.sup.4 times more included photon mass than the bare electron's own mass.

[0070] the means by which photon mass may be incorporated within, or ejected from, electrons can be deduced from known information. based on the thomson scattering cross-section, the classical radius of a normal electron is 2.8.times.10.sup.-15 cm. if the electron has uniform charge throughout a sphere of that radius, the peripheral velocity would greatly exceed the velocity of light in order to provide the observed magnetic moment. dehmelt (1989) determined that the radius of the spinning charge that creates an electron's magnetism is approximately 10.sup.-20 cm. this apparent incongruity can be explained if the electron is considered to be a hollow shell (which is commensurate with the bare electron's tiny mass in comparison to the very large radius) and if the negative charge of the shell is not the source of the magnetic moment.

[0071] it has long been known that a photon can be split into a negative ion (electron) and a positive ion (positron), each having the same amount of charge but of opposite sign. electrons and positrons can recombine into electrically neutral photons, so it is apparent that photons are composed of a positive and a negative ion. two ions spinning around each other could produce the photon's wave nature. the only size of photon ion that can exist as a separate entity has a charge of exactly plus one or minus one, whereas the ions can have very much larger or very much smaller charge and mass when combined in photons, as long as the two ions are equal in charge and mass. combined in a photon, the two ions are apparently attracted together so strongly that their individual volumes are very much smaller than as separate entities.

[0072] when a dipole photon enters an electron shell, its negative-ion portion is expected to be forced toward the shell's center by coulombic repulsion, while the photon's positive ion would be attracted by the negative charge of the shell equally in all directions. the negative photon ions would likely merge into a single body at the electron's center while the positive-ion portion would orbit around the centralized negative ion to retain the photon's angular momentum. the high peripheral velocity of this orbiting photon mass would enable portions of photon material to spin off and exit the electron shell at the same velocity that they entered the electron, i.e., the speed of light. the orbiting of the positive photon charge at dehmelt's small radius most likely accounts for the magnetic moment that is observed in electrons of normal mass.

[0073] liberated low-mass conduction electrons within intrinsic semiconductors (which are also photoconductors by their nature) and within doped semiconductors are mostly protected against acquiring mass from ambient-heat photons by the heat-insulative properties of the semiconductors. in contrast, low-mass electrons injected into heat-conducting metals rapidly acquire mass from ambient-heat photons. superconducting low-mass electrons of extremely low mass are protected against acquiring mass from ambient-heat photons by the existence of cryogenic conditions, but they are vulnerable to internal heat-photons created by excessive induction.

[0074] conduction electrons of metals typically move as a group at drift velocities of less than one millimeter per second, although the velocity of the electrical effects approaches the velocity of light. (photons are probably involved in the movement of electrical energy in metallic conductors.) in contrast, conductive low-mass electrons can move individually at great velocities in superconductors and semiconductors. brennan (1999, p. 631) reports the drift velocity of a particular electron moving in a semiconductor to be one micrometer in about 10 picoseconds, which is equivalent to 100 kilometers per second.

[0075] the concentration of the conduction electrons in metals is the same as the number of atoms, whereas in semiconductors the mobile low-mass electrons that are free to move can vary greatly with the amount of certain photon radiation received. since the magnitude of an electric current is a summation of the number of electrons involved times their respective drift velocities, the current developed by a small ensemble of photoconducting electrons moving at high speed can exceed the current of a much greater number of conduction electrons moving at a very low speed in a metal.

[0076] a general feature of intrinsic semiconductors is that they become photoconductive in proportion to the amount of bombardment by some particular electron-liberating frequency (or band of frequencies) of photon energy up to some limit. the amount of bombardment by the particular wavelength (or, equivalently, the frequency) increases along with all other photon wavelengths as the ambient temperature rises, that is, as the area increases under planck's black-body radiation curve. consequently, the conductivity of semiconductors continues to increase with temperature, while the conductivity drops almost to zero at low temperature unless superconductivity occurs.

[0077] a single high-energy alpha particle can liberate a great number of low-mass electrons in a thin-film semiconductor, as leimer's (1915) energy-magnifying experiment appears to show. leimer's alpha radiation was situated near the distant end of a suspended antenna wire of unreported length when he experienced the maximum magnetic energy increase in the coil of the ammeter in the receiver. the low-mass electrons had to have traveled the entire length of the suspended antenna wire and the connecting line to his receiving apparatus without encountering any trapping holes. assuming these electrons traversed a distance of 1 to 10 meters in less than one-half cycle of the radio frequency (that is, less than 4 microseconds at 128 khz) at which time the low-mass electrons' direction would have been reversed this would be equivalent to velocities of 25 to 250 km/sec.

[0078] a great number of superconducting electrons can be set in motion by inductive photon radiation. in contrast, inductive photon radiation can pass mostly through photoconductors that have low concentrations of mobile, low-mass electrons. applicant's interpretation of leimer's experiment is that the liberated low-mass electrons of the semiconductor-coating of the antenna wire were not directly accelerated by the inductive photons of the radio signal, but rather were accelerated to high velocities by an oscillating electric field created in the metallic wire by the radio photons.

[0079] a review of an experiment performed by file and mills (1963) shows that the very low mass of superconducting electrons is responsible for causing supercurrents to differ from normal electric currents. a superconducting solenoidal coil (comprising a nb-25% zr alloy wire below k.) with the terminals spot-welded together to make a continuous conductor, was employed. extremely slow declines of induced supercurrents were observed, which can be attributed to an enormous increase in the coil's self-induction. because a supercurrent approaches its maximum charge asymptotically when charging up, or approaches zero current asymptotically when discharging, a convenient measure of the coil's charging or discharging rate is the "time-constant." the time-constant has the same value for both charging and discharging, and it is defined as (a) the time needed for charging the coil to 63% of the maximum amount of current inducible in the coil by a given diamagnetic force, or (b) the time needed to discharge 63% of the coil's induced current.

[0080] in normal conductors, the inductive time-constant is calculated by the inductance of the coil divided by the resistance of the coil. by use of an empirical equation, the inductance of the coil in its non-superconducting state is calculated to be 0.34 henry based on a double-layered solenoid of 384 turns that measured 4 inches (10 cm) diameter and 10 inches (25 cm) long. the resistance of the 0.020-inch diameter (0.51 mm) wire at k. (just above t.sub.c) is estimated, by using data for zr alone, to be 4.times.10.sup.2 ohms. (resistivity data were not available for nb or the subject alloy.) under non-superconducting conditions, the time-constant for charging and discharging this coil is thereby calculated to be approximately 8.times.10.sup.-5 sec.

[0081] the time it took to charge up a supercurrent in the coil in the experiment was not reported. but, based on the reported 50 re-energizings and magnetic determinations performed in 200 hours, the measured charging time in the superconducting state is computed to be no more than 4 hours on average.

[0082] using bardeen's (1941) m*.apprxeq.(10.sup.-4)m.sub.e for the order of magnitude of the low-t.sub.c superconducting electron's mass, and using larmor's equation (1900), which relates inductive radiation power to the square of the acceleration of the charge, the inductance of the coil is expected to increase by (10.sup.4).sup.2=10.sup.8 times in the superconducting state. thus, the calculated increase in the time-constant of charging up the supercurrent is (8.times.10.sup.-5)(10.sup.=8.times.10.sup.3 seconds, or 2.2 hours, which is the same order of magnitude as the maximum actual charging time. the self-induction increased by that amount because the low-mass electrons are accelerated 10.sup.4 times faster.

[0083] in the case of discharging, the time constant of the supercurrent was projected by file and mills from measured declines observed over periods of 21 and 37 days. the projections of the two 63% declines agreed closely at 4.times.10.sup.12 sec (=1.3.times.10.sup.5 years). therefore, the time-constant of supercurrent discharge, based on projecting actual measurements, had increased by 5.times.10.sup.16 times over the time-constant for electrons of normal mass.

[0084] the driving force during charging had been the applied inductive force, whereas the driving force during discharging was the supercurrent that had been magnified 10.sup.8 times. therefore, during the discharging of the supercurrent, the time-constant is increased again by 10.sup.8 times, so the calculated total increase in the time-constant of discharge is 10.sup.8.times.10.sup.8=10.sup.16 times greater than the normal time-constant. this calculated value of the non-superconducting time-constant, based solely on the increase of inductive radiation due to extremely low electron mass, compares favorably in magnitude with the actually observed value of 5.times.10.sup.16 times the normal time-constant.

[0085] the superconducting coil required no more than four hours to charge up the supercurrent, yet during subsequent discharge the superconducting coil was projected to radiate inductive photon energy from the centripetal acceleration of the superconducting electrons for 130,000 years before declining by 63%. if this experiment could take place where no energy would be needed to sustain critical cryogenic conditions, as in outer space, the lengthy discharge of this energized coil would clearly demonstrate the creation of energy in the form of newly created photons inductively radiating from the superconducting low-mass electrons that circulate around the coils' loops. applicant interprets this as showing that low-mass electrons are capable of inductive-energy-magnification based solely on their mass relative to that of normal electrons.

[0086] in the embodiments described below, the magnified inductive energy of low-mass electrons is utilized in coils for electric-energy generation by employing a flow of inductively accelerated photons that alternates in direction. this, in turn, drives low-mass electrons in an oscillating manner, so this forced reversal involves only a single stage of inductive-energy magnification rather than the two stages (charging and naturally discharging) in the foregoing experiment.
_______ .oO Impossivel é um conceito /& / não uma realidade Oo. _______

Membro Dedicado
Membro Dedicado
Mensagens: 33
Registado: terça nov 23, 2010 10:49 pm

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por Sundial »

bluesky Escreveu:efectivamente o motor que vemos no video não está patenteado, logo é muito provavel que não funcione.
não existe esta relação de causa e efeito.
uma patente é apenas a declaração da propriedade intelectual de um mecanismo, que pode ou não funcionar.
"patentes" não têm qualquer relação com "funcionamento".
diga-se de passagem que motores magnéticos são apenas ficção.
pertencem ao mundo da fantasia.

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Membro Platinium
Membro Platinium
Mensagens: 4184
Registado: domingo set 30, 2007 11:33 pm
Localização: Socio Nº 54

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por Bluesky »

uma patente é apenas a declaração da propriedade intelectual de um mecanismo, que pode ou não funcionar.
que utilidade ou proposito teria criar propriedade intelectual de algo que não funciona? sabes os custos de patentear um engenho? além disso o escritorio de patentes começaram a exigir prototipos funcionais a partir de uma determinada data, relativamente a materias excepcionais como os motores magneticos, por exemplo. além disso, mesmo admitindo que efectivamente existem algumas patentes especulativas no deposito de patentes, motivadas por um mau trabalho do gabinete das patentes (entretanto resolvido), tal nunca seria elemento válido relativamente à objectividade das invenções relacionadas com engenhos magneticos, pois são centenas de patentes registadas, tantas que é possivel sistematizar uma classificação para cada engenho em familias, segundo caracteristicas e tipos. só quem nunca estudou o assunto pode fazer comentários levianos sobre o assunto. não só a fisica tem de ser revista, como todos os procedimentos cientificos de investigação, de divulgação e ensino. não existe "nova ciencia", só uma ciencia, aquela que evolui com os fenomenos fisicos, observações e investigações recentes. e essa ciencia não é aquela que vem nos livros. infelizmente.
_______ .oO Impossivel é um conceito /& / não uma realidade Oo. _______

Membro Gold
Membro Gold
Mensagens: 1079
Registado: sábado ago 23, 2008 12:31 pm

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por tavares »

sundial Escreveu: diga-se de passagem que motores magnéticos são apenas ficção.
pertencem ao mundo da fantasia.
então concerteza que consegues provar? ou não ?

isso são afirmações de quem nunca teve um iman na mão , mas quando digo iman, digo iman a sério , e não esses que se tiram das colunas de som , ou micro-ondas ........................ isso são imans de brincar, aí já conhecerias as forças de um iman, e descobririas coisas que desconheces , um iman não tem só propriedades de atracção-repulsão , isso é o que toda a gente conhece , tudo o resto são coisas que as pessoas desconhecem ou não querem conhecer.

Membro Silver
Membro Silver
Mensagens: 153
Registado: terça mar 31, 2009 8:52 pm

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por ondaverde »

em relação às patentes o sundial tem mais razão.
o escritótio de patentes, presumo agente oficial da p.i. quer lá saber se funciona ou não, quer é receber os honorários. se te referes aos institutos ou autoriedades que registam as patentes, continuas mto enganado, penso até ser mau princípio um examinador especular sobre o bom ou mau funcionamento ou se a solução é melhor ou pior do que as existentes. para patentear uma nova solução, que pode ser de um produto já existente ou outros com o mesmo propósito. o importante para um examinador é averiguar que a solução proposta é nova, não pertencer ao estado da técnica actual, ter novidade inventiva e ter aplicação industrial.
as patentes são teorizadas por escrito sem qualquer prototipagem ou prova de que é uma solução melhor de que as já existentes.
quem tem de se preocupar com a rentabilidade são os autores e investidores, nunca o inpi, wipo e eip.
realativamente aos motores magnéticos, dependendo da sua aplicação, uns já existem outros talvez sim mas ainda não são do conhecimento geral e outros tantos no futuro concerteza que existirão, ao transitarem do conhecimento isolado para o conhecimento geral.

rumindo uma patente não tem funcionar, só tem de ter novidade inventiva e aplicação industrial.


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Membro Platinium
Membro Platinium
Mensagens: 4184
Registado: domingo set 30, 2007 11:33 pm
Localização: Socio Nº 54

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por Bluesky »

não contesto o que dizes ondaverde, poderás estar certo, mas tenho a ideia que hoje em dia são bastante exigentes na aprovação de patentes, não só pela defesa da propriedade original de outro engenho como pela demonstração funcional de um novo conceito.

não os estou a ver a patentear fantasias, muito sinceramente. se estudarmos as patentes verificamos que são extremamente elaboradas e com muitos detalhes práticos, tal só poderia vir da experiência de construção de alguma forma de prototipo funcional. se quiserem seguir o caminho das apostas cegas a minha mão é muito forte, acreditem!

voltarei com o prometido, as proprias patentes ...
_______ .oO Impossivel é um conceito /& / não uma realidade Oo. _______

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Membro Silver
Membro Silver
Mensagens: 127
Registado: quinta abr 29, 2010 10:57 pm

Re: construir um motor magnetico.

Mensagem por tiktak »

olá colegas;

posso afirmar com toda a certeza o seguinte,em relação ao motor magnetico.
acredito sim plenamente nesse motor ,e...................................
desacredito sim completamente.

a quantidade de informação sobre este tema é colossal.
teorias mais teorias ,patentes para a esquerda patentes para a direita,
no entanto ouuuouuuouuu,vamos lá acordar.
pergunto! onde etá (1 um)só projecto visivel a olho nu sem truques,funcional a 100%
que possa ser visto por todos?eu pago para ver.

recentemente fiz uma réplica (mais uma,entre outras),de um motor magnético de uma patente
de um inventor brasileiro,sugestão e envio de patentes em pdf do nosso amigo bluesky.

resultado!...................lixo ,......tempo perdido, materias desperdiçados.
apesar da descrição clara e perfeitamente compreensivel mesmo para um não conhecedor,
teoricamente bem desenhada .........dá mesmo desejo de começar de imediato a construção
mas na prática! ................... la caca.

portanto meus amigos,não será melhor,encarcerar esses montes de papeis cheios de teorias,
dentro de uma gaveta,e passar ao lado pratico.porque penso que a pratica não é assim tão
desprovida de matéria cinsenta quanto isso.
só que empunhar algumas ferramentas e materiais para os moldar ou montar,dá mais trabalho
e suor do que desfraldar ideias e teorias ao 4 ventos.
bom estou mais leve com este desabafo

um bom natal


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